
Dental Implants in Oklahoma City, OK

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Dental implants offer a long-term, fixed alternative to traditional dentures and bridges when it comes to replacing teeth. With various options such as single-tooth implants, dental implant bridges and implant-supported dentures, dental implants provide customizable restorations that mimic the look and function of natural teeth.

Single Tooth Implants

Single tooth implants are ideal for replacing a single missing tooth. An implant post is placed into the jawbone, creating a stable structure for the new artificial tooth. Once the implant fuses with the bone, a dental restoration, known as a dental crown, is placed over the post. This is the new “tooth” you see when you smile.

Dental Implant Bridges

This treatment is used when you have teeth missing in a row. The procedure involves placing two or more implant posts into the jawbone and attaching a bridge restoration to the implants. Implant-supported bridges offer superior stability and strength compared to traditional bridges, as they eliminate the need for adjacent teeth to support the restoration.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures are an excellent solution for individuals who are missing all or most of their teeth. Dental implants are strategically placed in the jawbone, and a custom-made denture is securely attached to the implants. This option provides exceptional stability, improved chewing ability and enhanced confidence in denture wearers.


Dental implants are a permanent and stable solution that feels and functions like natural teeth. Dental implants also help preserve your facial structure and jawbone by preventing bone loss. Additionally, they offer a more comfortable and secure alternative to removable dentures.

Think that a dental implant may be the right option to restore your smile? Call Taylor Dental & Implant Center at 405-722-4400 and schedule an appointment with our dentists, Dr. Stephen M. Taylor, Dr. Jim O. Taylor or Dr. William Reed, and learn more about our options for dental implants in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.